Monday, April 30, 2007

James Jimenez's blog - New on the links section

New on the links section under the Beings heading is COMELEC spokesman James Jimenez's personal blog. Election is only a couple of weeks away, and the shadow of Garci still
looms over us. It is then quite refreshing, if that's indeed the right
word, that Mr. Jimenez has decided to share his thoughts on the coming
circ--I mean, event.

Mr. Jimenez is careful to point out that the opinions on his blog are his own and not necessarily those of the COMELEC's, but I suppose he is bound to blog about views that do not necessarily contradict official views because his superiors would rather he air those "through proper channels." However, their superiors--namely, us--although they understand the need for proper channels, only request for transparency. As well as a timely resolution of issues.

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