Monday, January 08, 2007

My corridor in pork

Over at Newstand, John Nery notes that the spam subject headings, "in their randomness, their beautiful absurdity...often sounded like refrigerator poetry." So I thought I'd give it a go using subject headings from spam I got today.

My corridor in pork

Gotta see this
All Judah as pillars: one tabernacle, of Israel whom the Lord thy God
Washed my petition? And captain and Obed. And hearken unto Him
How happy are you, so-called tape recorder
Might do? The fathers raised destroyed, utterly
You ready yet?
I detonate at diagram the standard
Or a midwest with good
Can you help the standard pathetic salad dressing?
Of this the people knowledge right hand against their brethren?
Or compatible he mist it in the seat
They is and purple and there is the people
Behold the altar, hollow fields; and as the midst thereof
Heck of a time, no worries
Gotta see this as no profusion
Because I pray thee, in no children also pray and
Be an investigator
My carcass
Do away with all you owe without paying another dollar

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